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Педагогика Владимира Ланцберга

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Неформалы 2000ХХ

"On the path towards new school" N 4 2002
The summary.

    Basing on the locality


  • Innokenty ZHUKOV   The school and two ways of development

    The author was one of the most famous Russian scout-masters of the beginning of the XXth century. Though this article was written about one hundred years ago, the suggestions of the author, concerning reorganization of the school are still actual.

    Teenager's school


    In the issue the greater part of the publications of the subdivision "School for the teen-ager" is dedicated to the phenomena of the specialized physical and mathematical school. What's the phenomena? What are the pedagogical grounds, how do the teen-agers exist in such a school -- that are the questions the graduaters and the teachers of the schools of St.-Petersburg, Moscow, Kiev and Odessa reflect on.


  • Michail IVANOV, Michail EPSHTEIN   An ordinary school, as it must be

    An interview with Michail Georgievich Ivanov, the former pupil and teacher of the famous physical and mathematical school N 239 (Leningrad), the nowadays director of the physical and technical school of the Physic and Technical Institute named after A.Ioffe.


  • Sergei MENDELEVICH   Do we answer for the failures of our children?

    The director of the school N_57 (Moscow) believes, that the main task of the teachers of the school - to make the pupil ready to the professional intellectual activity, i.e. to make them learn "the puritain codex of labour." "We are teaching and we are not concerned with socialization, aesthetic development and dance".


  • Michail KORDONSKY   Odessa, N_116

    The famous physical-mathematical school N 116 (Odessa) is not exist in Ukraine already. Nothing but the memories remain of those who have participated in the life of that unique community. Michail Kordonsky, our permanent author - the graduate of the school.


  • Anatoly SHAPIRO   Looking for the air column

    What is the optimal structure of physical education? What place does it have in studies of natural sciences? What is the necessary uniformity and variety? The author, the famous Kiev teacher, died in September 2001.


  • Andrew DOMBROWSKY   Surprise - as mother of learning

    Notes of remarkable discoveries one can make being engaged in for "papier-mache".

    Panopticon of adolescent oddities


  • Anatoly GARMAEV   Not self-confirmation, but demonstration of independence

    What is the sense of teen-ager's eccentricity? How should we bring up the adolescent that the demonstration of independance won't become uncontrolled self-confirmation? What should we do to make their growing up full of beauty and lack of pain? - the fragments from the book by priest A. Garmaev.


  • Angela ZILBERG Mammy, look at me! Is it smart?

    Should we respond earnestly to defiant attempts of teen-agers to change their appearance? Or even in this case the mutual understanding is possible? Let's think together.


    Agency of educational adventures


  • Innokenty ZHUKOV   Expedition corps,   Pedagogical paradoxes and predictions of future pedagogics

    These 2 articles by I. Zhukov can't but strike. In 1918 in Chita he invented and played with the children a remarkable and entertaining play. All the children of Chita aged 10-14 participated in it. In 1922 in his fantastic project I.Zhukov insisted on permanent appointment of Robinson Kruzo in Narkompros.


  • Michail EPSHTEIN   Pedagogical of excavations and heaps

    The article deals with the Archaeologic circle of the Leningrad Palace of Pioneers (1970-1990) from the teen-agers pedagogics point of view. Many of its pupils often recall their studies and practical work.

    ...And then we begin to play

    On the 6th lesson the pupils are very tired. Only a play can save the situation. And if a play can help to study a new term or to repeate, it seems very strange: why we play on the lesson so little? May be the teachers do not know such plays? We offer you some plays for you to travel in Teen-agers' Land successfully.



    This is the new subdivision in our journal!
    A guide over the pedagogical Internet will help you to find your way in the network of out-of-school units of post kommunar type. The chief of subdivision is Michail Kordonsky.


    In other words


  • Andrew GELASIMOV   Jeanne

    Reaction to the story is contradictory. But we think it to be a talented work. By the way, you can see it yourself.


  • The contents and summaries in Russian

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