"On the path towards new school"
N 4 2002
The summary.
Basing on the locality
An accident in the sandbox
Teenager's school
- The teachers looking for the basis
And not three, and not five - it's necessary to know
- Valentina BELIK
Uninvented story about mathematical fairy tales
"Why I being the teacher of mathematics, began to write fairy tales with the children? This came itself somehow. I'm horrified every time I hear one say the mathematics being a bore and something uninteresting. I'm sure that there is no pupil whom you can't engage in for studying this wonderful science", - believes the teacher of mathematics of the All-Russia children's center "Orlenok" school.
How she managed to do it you can read in the journal.
- Andrew DOMBROWSKY White sheet of paper
Panopticon of adolescent oddities
- Michail LURIE Some words about girl's album
I belong here - for whom?
- Michail KORDONSKY Must we fight with common cold during plaque?
Education: symbols, myths, names
Our brave captain
The memories about Eduard Georgievich Kostjashkin, the outstanding teacher, scientist, famous "school-manager" (as he called himself) by Irina Dmitrievna Demakova, the professor and one of the colleagues. "He understood the school comprehensively, there were no secrets for him. I think, he knew everything about the school".
Four types of teachers
Drawing a general conclusion from many years of observations and leadership in large pedagogical teams, Eduard Kostjashkin found out that there are 4 main types of teachers: intellectual, strong-willed, emotional and organizer. Of course, the division is a comparative one, but it helps much when it is necessary to improve distribution of the teachers in out-of-schedule work.
- The children's organizations of Russia
The 2nd issue of the guide over the pedagogical Internet is dedicated to the children's social organizations. How this topic is represented in the net tells us the chief of subdivision Michail Kordonsky. He believes that the complete Internet-guide over children's organizations of Russia is to be created.
- The contents and summaries in Russian